Power + Pleasure

It's Time To

Rise Up!

It is time for you to feel more pleasure and power in all aspects of your life! It’s time to break free from your unconscious limitations you are living by!

To open yourself up to all possibilities, power, joy and love that surrounds you! That kind of feeling you know exists, but you haven’t quite found to the fullest yet!

It’s time to embody your wise, awakened empowered, confident Self:

Uplevel your life! Reach that next goal! Heal what’s holding you back! Unleash your power & potential! Set your soul free! Learn & grow more! Be heard and speak freely! Be loved and joyful!

The world needs your story & potential to make it a better place! 

A Sacred Group for Conscious Woman.

  • Bi-weekly Group Calls 
  • Bi-weekly experiential activities
  • Monthly Spotlight Session (optional)
  • Personal & group support on Voxer 

Starts Nov. 13th – Feb

Sunday afternoons 4pm (CST)/ 5pm (EST) 

Are You...

  • Getting consumed by fear consciousness? 
  • Wanting to feel more intimacy, joy and love in your life?!
  • Feeling limited with money? 
  • Wanting to start a business or reach a new goal but feel stuck?
  • Feeling emotionally overloaded?
  • Stressed within relationships?

Are You Ready To Leave This All Behind You?

Rise Up!

With More Power + Pleasure!

Empowering. Educational. Restorative. Fun. Vulnerable. Intimate. Inspiring. Expansive.

This group is meant to be a stepping stone in your life! 

Go from being aware of yourself, your emotions, and your situations to making the changes you need to achieve the results you desire!

Use this group as ongoing momentum to achieve your goals and keep moving forward.

Expect a new topic each session!

Topics such as: breaking past your imaginary glass ceiling of life,
manifesting abundance, soul purpose discovery, mindset & belief work, nervous system regulation, energetics of money, feminine & masculine polarity, healing generational lines, laughter yoga and more!

Receive: experiential learning, art therapy, new tools & techniques, personalized support, group therapy session, energetic healing.

A conscious woman defined: infinitely capable.

She is constantly learning and expanding her capabilities to do the work that makes her come alive and allows her to be of the greatest service to others.

Do you feel that calling to expand your physical reality to be the best it possibly could be, and live a life of spiritual alignment?

To fully share yourself with others? To awaken what’s possible within you?

To remember what you came here for?? To squeeze every ounce of joy and passion out of this beautiful life we have been given?

In this sacred space you will feel the shift of energy to commit to yourself differently, and harness the infinite power available to you! 


Imagine meeting your soul sister, and rising up in this new world together!

It's hard to find other like minded, driven, soul aligned people who are trying to improve their life!

For years women have gathered in circles to heal their wounds, share their stories, pass down the mysteries of womanhood, support each other and empower one another. They do this by sharing stories, holding space and passing wisdom from woman to woman. 

There’s nothing more healing than being in a group of honest women to truly see and accept you as you are. Right now our society is more separated than ever.

Coming together in a sacred space is one of the most impactful healing experiences you can have.

This Mastermind Will Focus On 2 Key Pillars That Will Enable You To Live A Truly Impactful Life

Stand in your power. Understand it. Own it…

  • There is no safer time in history to be you!
  • Know who you are –  with conviction
  • Your strengths and the weaknesses
  • Your darkness and your light.
  • Embody your worth & take back your power! 
  • Nobody can tell you who to be because you have already claimed your truth! 

Soften into pleasure. Feel it. Be it…

  • Loosen your grip and open to joy, fun & pleasure. Stop being so serious.
  • Let your heart will be opened, stretched and full.
  • Release everything that is no longer a vibrational match.
  • Spread your arms wide to the world around you.
  • Your life will be full of love, truth, compassion and peace.
  • I dare you to speak your desires, because it’s then that they come true!

When you choose to rise, you never walk alone.

When you choose to rise, you tap into the collective strength of those who are rising along with you and have found the courage to rise with you.

When you choose to rise, you tap into that portal and the deep rooted energy of the earth.

How Will You Grow In These Areas?

Activate Pleasure

Open your heart to truly experience joy in it's fullest form

Focus on Your Goals

Mindset and energetic accountability to manifest abundance

Hear and Learn From Others

Monthly spotlights for members to share their gifts with us

Reclaim Your Power

Understand how to be a beautifully radiate and powerful being

Soul Purpose Exploration

Feeling lost? Re-ignite the flame of passion within your being

Maintain Your Vibration and Stay in Alignment

Understand vibration at it's depths and connect to your desires


A place to be truly seen, acknowledge, and celebrated. To share your gifts and what is happening in your life right now.

You can always find yourself in someone else's story.. often their story reveals the medicine you needed the most and had tucked away!

Spotlights are added calls for you to share your gifts and stories with the group.

Spotlight sessions will be additional to the Mastermind calls and are a safe space for you to share your story, teach us something you are passionate about, express your healing journey to help someone else; speak whats on your heart, share your writing, or what ever gifts you are being called to share! 

(Option to never be on the spotlight & just give presence to others)

Committing to rising up is doing the work that you’ve came here to do. That’s what this group is for. 

This group is going to call back your wisdom, callback your voice back, and you will embody your power and share your unique life with the world.

When you tell your truth about your life, the good and the bad, you no longer have anything to hide. You free yourself. You show the world who you really are. And people flock to you. The more honesty that you share and embrace your wildness and weirdness, the easier it is for aligned souls to find you. 

If you keep hidden or waiting for fear to subside, your people will never find you. But when you’re honest about your life, it actually gives somebody else permission to be honest about theirs.

This group will help you to see the ability of wholeness in yourself and life again! You will connect to yourself & expand in ways you dreamed of!

“This is not a place to dim to fit in. It's actually a place to shine brighter. Don't wait until you feel safe before you show up to the world. We are waiting for you. We are standing beside you and we need you to stand beside us. As we all rise up. When you rise it makes the other sisters around us easier for them to rise up.”

Whats Included:

  • Bi-weekly group calls (Sunday, 90 mins) on array of topics
  • Bi-weekly experiential activities to activate power & pleasure in your life
  • Additionally: Monthly Spotlights Session to share your story, activate your confidence & get personalized support (optional) 
  • Weekly intentions and goal setting prompts to stay focused.
  • Guest Speakers on extraordinary topics
  • Voxer Accountability Group
  • Energetic healing so you can clear negative attachments and rise above.
  • An intimate group with like-minded people so you can build the connections and friendships you desire.
  • Replays of all events so you never miss out on the teachings.
  • And so much more!

Say YES to Power & Pleasure weekly!

It time to  feel radiant, worthy and shine bright!

Start to experience the fullness of life! 

Pleasure & Power – in all facets of life! 

To listen to others’ stories and hear your truth in their messages as well. 

This is the medicine your mind, body, heart & soul has been craving! In the container you will quantum leap to the next phase in your life!

Just $111 Bi-Weekly

*Prices in USD