Vibrant means living a life full of energy and enthusiasm
Vitality is a term used to describe a person's ability to learn, grow, develop & shine!
These 60 days are a combination of:
- spiritual enlightenment
- mindset enhancement
- emotional regulation
- empowering community
- personal activation
Ohh, these feelings can be so powerful…even crippling!
I remember, it was about 5 years ago…
I was sitting in my house after a long day at work. I was exhausted, overwhelmed, and frustrated with my life.
I saw the people around me living life on auto pilot and I KNEW I didn’t want that to be me…
I felt trapped… I wanted to feel free.
I felt dull and depleted, yet didn’t know what to do to feel more joy in my life!
I knew there had to be more!!
But what?
It started with a course.
Then a coach.
Then advanced programs.
I began to get incredibly clear on EVERYTHING I wanted in my life, and understood that the only reason I didn’t have them was because I was in my own way.
It's amazing for me to look back on my journey.
The hurdles, the obstacles, the self doubt..
The crippling moments of panic and fear.
As I went through all of them, I learned something incredibly valuable from my experience. I learned how powerful & capable I was! I also learned there were people all around me struggling with the exact same experiences.
Bring massive shifts into key areas of your life in 60 Days.
This program combines two things I’m most passionate about: Personal Development and Spirituality.
You will have a clear picture of how to bring vibrancy and vitality to your:
– Emotional & Mental Health.
– Career and business
– Wealth – In all areas of your life!
– Physical and spiritual energy.
*The Embodiment of Vibrance!
Live your life by choice, not by chance!
… I know what it feels like to have a dream but be so scared to take the leap..
I know what it feels like when others around me aren’t in alignment or agreement with me..
I know what it feels like to be running on an empty tank
I know what it’s like to feel the weight of the world, like I need to control everything, yet struggle to ask for help.
I know what it feels like to be worried about how I am going to pay for my mortgage…
Wow, I feel none of this now! I have learned self-mastery & how to tap into the magic of vitality, which puts me purely into co-creating with the Universe, with ease constantly!
I know what it takes to have & experience a breakthrough!
You just need to commit to yourself. No one is coming to ‘save you’ or do it for you.. That’s the fun part! You get to take the credit for it!
You just need to learn how to have unwavering belief in yourself and how to maneuver through life with ease despite circumstances.
You just need to learn how to lean into trust instead of control & overcome the stories in your mind.
Let’s break down these barriers so you can experience massive transformation in all areas of your life!
Vibrant Vitality
Discover how to energetically protect and align yourself, so you can consistently be moving forward!
Understand any limiting mindset patterns, childhood wounds, and ongoing patterns that are preventing your life from expanding, so you can experience your next version of yourself!
Learn how to manage your emotions so you are able to control the way you feel in ANY situation.
Uncover how YOU operate and quit playing small or 'trying to fit into a box' of past conditioning. Let's activate your authentic, powerful, capable self who is ready to impact the world!
Learn how to become a master at manifesting in any area of your life.
Tap into your intuition; learn how to truly be confident in yourself and listen to what the universe is telling you.
Create an actionable plan to take your life to the next level. A vision and daily accountability!
The program will be 8 weekly live Zoom sessions, starting Wed, Jan 18, 2023.
Education + Tools + Techniques + Personalized support + Spiritual guidance = Transformation
Also, a private group to keep you accountable & connect with other like-minded people + ask questions!
4 Monthly Payments
Pay In Full
Olivia Keys
Online Course Coach
I also know that you are being conscious about where you spend your money.
But what is the price you are paying for not taking action?
When you aren’t experiencing life in its most wonderful state, you aren’t able to give that gift to others around you. The ones you love and care about…
I know you want transformation, and I understand that hiring a coach for $3000 probably isn’t in the budget right now.
But that’s okay, because you don’t need to.
Actually, for just a few hundred dollars you can experience ALL of this juicy goodness in your life!
Just $222/month for 4 months. That’s it.
How much are you worth?
How much is your experience of life worth?
You owe it to yourself to experience vibrant vitality every day.
You have worked so hard and experienced so much. Now is your time!
This bonus includes 4 life changing EFT sequences that will:
This EFT package is usually $197 - but I’m giving it to you for FREE!
With these EFT videos you will be able to instantly start working towards reprogramming your subconscious mind and release limiting beliefs!
This bonus includes 4 specialty meditations that will:
A value of $47
Are you living life in its fullest expression every day?
Are things less than mediocre?
Or are they expereinced vibrantly?
Make a one time payment of $779 (save over $100 vs payments) and get a Bonus 30 Min 1:1 Coaching Session!
That’s an added value of over $250!
If you are ready to finally embody the life you desire..
If you are ready to take back control of the way you feel…
If you are ready to finally achieve those out of reach goals….
If you are ready to finally allow flow and ease into your life…..
Rachelle Martin
Financial Coach
Angela Morales
Personal Coach
Online Course Coach
Maria Jane
Founder Digital Agency
Laura Anna
Financial Coach
Sales & Business Coach
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Tortor sit in molestie convallis auctor fermentum dolor, aliquam sagittis nullam elementum pharetra neque viverra enim felis lectus risus mattis nec egestas interdum sit in odio elit vitae volutpat ipsum quam sit
Mollis nibh tristique molestie massa ultricies nunc, nunc vitae, cras ornare odio imperdiet eros scelerisque urna eget vitae nulla volutpat erat risus magna nisi
Ultricies commodo ornare vitae volutpat ut nec egestas faucibus tempus aliquam fermentum posuere feugiat at ornare ut nunc, lacus diam scelerisque faucibus ultrices purus mattis mi adipiscing ultricies rhoncus malesuada lobortis diam
Natalie Portman
Financial Coach